The WHOLE ME, Inc. office became a very busy and active place this summer with the return of our Summer Internship Program. WMI collaborates with CNY Works to provide a six week summer internship program to explore post secondary educational options, including job readiness skills. We had a Teacher of the the Deaf as well as two interpreting interns here guiding our 6 interns.
The interns heard from several speakers, including Deaf professionals, on a variety of topics like self advocacy and how to obtain your goals - both educationally and professionally.
We also provided many work (volunteer) opportunities throughout Central New York to give our interns a taste of what work is like, to let them see opportunites that are available, and to show them how important it is to see what is going on in the world around them.
In house, our interns helped with fundraising ideas for our Annual Golf Tournament, they learned about budgeting for a household, how to prepare and implement menus, how to look for jobs and prepare for interviews. Our interns also learned how to explore healthy lifestyle choices in regards to entertainment and socialization.
We ended our summer program with a delicous cookout!
Check out our these pictures from this summer!